
The General, the Shepherd and the Incredible Greed for Money

Even in the harshest of environments, the allure of wealth can serve as a powerful force, with far-reaching implications. Join us as we delve into the captivating tale that intertwines history, culture, and the age-old pursuit of fortune.

1917 English General Stanley Maude encountered a sheepherder and his dog in an Arab region. The general requested the interpreter to convey a message to the shepherd:

“The general will reward you with a pound for slaughtering your dog!”

The dog holds significant value for the shepherd as it protects the flock from wolves, assists in herding the sheep, and alerts the shepherd to any impending dangers. The dog is the shepherd’s best friend, but the pound could have bought half of his herd, so the shepherd consented. He grabbed his dog and slaughtered it in front of the general.

The interpreter informed the shepherd that the general would offer an additional pound for skinning the dog. The shepherd accepted the pound and proceeded with the task. Following this, the interpreter addressed the shepherd, saying:

“He will offer you an additional pound if you cut it into pieces.”

The shepherd dismembered the deceased dog. The general handed him a pound and began to walk away. Hurriedly, the shepherd chased after the general, calling out:

“Will you give me another pound, if I eat it?”

The general, speaking through the interpreter, said:

“I merely wished to understand your nature and character. You butchered and carved up your closest friend and companion for three pounds, and you were prepared to consume him for another pound… That is all I needed to know.”

Then he addressed his soldiers, stating that if this was the prevailing mindset among the locals, they would encounter no resistance and their objectives would be effortlessly achieved.

The story illustrates that in every society, many individuals are prepared to go to great lengths for money, a fact that governing powers exploit to dominate citizens and nations with their influential control.

Story based on an excerpt from Hayder al-Khoei and Ali al-Wardi’s book Social Glimpses of Modern Iraqi History, published in 2010.

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