Personal Development

Emotional blackmail is the greatest deception!

There are three ways to rivet the masses: Fear, war and creating a false reality.

The influence exerted by global power centres often manifests as a form of fear, particularly through economic intimidation. In the past five to six decades, this has been a predominant trend. Following the Second World War, a realization dawned upon parts of Europe that traditional warfare was not beneficial for all. Consequently, the focus shifted from direct military engagement to economic strategies, particularly towards nations with struggling economies.

Europe, along with its new ally America, targeted lands of economic and geopolitical interest. When local leaders resisted immediate surrender, a formidable war machine was deployed to resolve the matter. Post-1945, technological advancements opened up numerous possibilities, leading to new concepts among the world’s wealthy and influential. The principal concept was globalization. At first glance, this seems marvellous, suggesting a world where people peacefully share their diverse cultural traits. However, if it serves only to expand markets for some and multiply servants for a few, then it becomes an oppressive and forceful imposition.

Let’s do a flashback!

During the early 1950s, the world was a mosaic of strong cultures, each with its own rigid social and religious customs, and distinct dietary habits. This cultural diversity was largely preserved by the challenges of long-distance transportation of goods.

The soft drink Coca-Cola arguably first tested the waters of global cultural penetration. By the 1970s, Coca-Cola had become ubiquitous worldwide, except for socialist countries of that era. The brand’s global reach was unprecedented. Individuals from vastly different backgrounds, with diverse values, religious beliefs, and socioeconomic statuses, consumed this sugary beverage in large quantities. Despite its high sugar content and lack of nutritional value—ironically juxtaposed with its ability to remove rust— Coca-Cola became a symbol of unity. Drinking Coca-Cola gave people a sense of belonging to a larger, global community. It provided a universal culinary touchstone, being the first product to offer the same flavour experience worldwide, regardless of season or other variables.

This phenomenon led to an intriguing conclusion: with strategic marketing that appeals to emotions, it is possible to influence human behaviour on a massive scale. The implications were profound, suggesting that a significant portion of humanity  (almost 80%) is not primarily driven by logical reasoning, self-interest, or a sense of moderation and self-preservation.

New phenomena and habits

Recent findings have unveiled a range of new phenomena and habits that are cause for concern. These include the abuse of drugs, excessive wine consumption, a disregard for the quality and type of food ingested, overuse of medications, squandering of energy resources, and numerous other reckless and hazardous practices.

Religious fanaticism has emerged as a modern tool for mass manipulation, echoing the historical patterns of  The Crusades and widespread proselytizing. In contemporary times, it has been observed that certain identities have taken on this controversial role, continuing the legacy of using religion as a means to influence and control the populace. And yes! Ladies and gentlemen, by living in the absurdity of our times, we will have the chance to observe … The Muslim terrorist! (Applause) – The Muslim refugee! (Applause) –  The Muslim worker! (Applause), and many more new identities we will invent as needed. Stay tuned and mostly stay obedient!

The Little Red Riding Hood

It’s rare to find an audience in a movie theatre who desires an ending where evil prevails. Perhaps less than 5% would favour such a conclusion. This observation suggests that inherent within the human spirit lie noble ideals like justice, equality, freedom, love, and harmony. These values are the guiding principles for the ‘good’ individuals who inhabit our world, striving to achieve these lofty goals. In a twisted narrative, where the villain masquerades as the innocent Little Red Riding Hood and the true victim is forced into the guise of the wolf, a tragic mistake occurs. The ‘good’ hunter, believing he is the hero, mistakenly slays Little Red Riding Hood. This allegory serves as a reminder of the complex interplay between appearances and reality and the importance of discernment in the pursuit of justice.

The aim of the malevolent is to ensnare the “good” individual in a web of guilt, rendering them incapable of discerning the correct path when faced with a false dilemma, thereby overwhelming them with guilt. It doesn’t occur to them that the hunter has no right to be a hunter: that it is immoral to take up arms and roam the woods; that no one has granted them the authority to pass judgment on others or to interfere with the natural course of life.

In today’s world, we are bombarded with an excess of information that often leads to confusion, fear, and a sense of being overwhelmed. The pace of life has become frantic, lacking moderation and balance. Our societies are facing the challenges of contaminated food, misleading news, polluted air, and strained interpersonal communications, which in turn affect the quality of ideas that circulate among us.

Universal Laws and the Cosmic Flow

In navigating these turbulent times, I have found solace and direction in the timeless wisdom of universal laws and the cosmic flow. My approach is rooted in the rich soils of philosophy and scepticism, enriched by the knowledge of geography and history, and is harmoniously connected to my emotional intelligence. This holistic compass guides me through the complexities of modern life.

From the teachings of Socrates to those of Buddha, a common thread is woven: moderation in all things, and wisdom as the harmonizer of mind and heart. While humans are fundamentally equal, our uniqueness is undeniable, much like the distinct fingers on a hand. Our collective salvation lies in the sharing of love, positive thoughts, and talents. Conversely, our downfall emerges when our perspectives and actions become tainted, creating barriers to happiness, freedom, justice, and overall well-being. The divergent behaviours of a species composed of the same essence, yet operating on varying spiritual and vibrational levels, require careful assessment and realignment. It is often perceived that empathy for one’s troubled past may overshadow the gravity of their actions, leading to a troubling leniency towards serious transgressions.

Those who believe that globalization is a crucial element for humanity’s true evolution will find an ally in me. However, I must caution against those who think this process will be astonishingly simple and, in an attempt to mislead the public, employ extreme and unfounded methods in the name of democracy. Such individuals are either naive or deceitful. If our goal is unity, recognizing our shared essence, then our global investment must prioritize education, truth, unrestricted access to information, health, and the reduction of inequality to achieve prosperity.

Intellectual diversity is a reality of the human condition; it’s an undeniable fact that not everyone operates at the same cognitive level. Just as it would be impractical to expect a first-grader to instruct a high school student, it’s equally unrealistic to assume that people can easily adapt to sudden, violent upheavals in their country, only to be displaced to unfamiliar regions. While politeness and solidarity are virtues that many societies value, mandating such behaviours without allowing for individual choice can lead to complex social challenges. The freedom to choose one’s associates is a deeply personal matter. If universal compatibility were possible, coexistence would be effortless. However, the reality is that people often seek to live among those they deem compatible, highlighting the importance of personal choice in social cohesion.

Global Unity

The concept of global unity, where humanity lives harmoniously as one, is a captivating vision that many, including me, aspire to be part of. However, scepticism arises when such ideals are promoted by those who have yet to practice these principles within their own nations. It’s proposed that these advocates take the lead by dismantling borders, traditions, customs, and established forms of governance, religion, politics, and even the monetary system in their countries. By volunteering themselves for the betterment of humanity and spearheading this systemic evolution, they can set a precedent. The results of such an experiment would be pivotal; if successful, it could serve as a model for others to follow. Until tangible results are seen, the plea is to refrain from using emotional appeals that come across as propaganda to the unconvinced.

In times of significant challenges and issues, it’s crucial to show solidarity. However, one shouldn’t get swept up in the theatrics that often accompany such events. It’s better to remain calm, stoic, and patient, waiting for the full scope of the situation to unfold. There seems to be a concerted effort to remind us that our DNA carries traits from across the globe, suggesting a need for universal tolerance despite our differences. From my perspective as an alternative healer, it’s clear that our origins are indeed diverse. My belief in reincarnation reinforces this view, as I consider that we have been reincarnating for thousands of years.

Perhaps we originated from other planets, making our evolutionary journey truly significant. Yet, the life we currently live is paramount, for it is the sole one we recall, and it represents the pinnacle of our spiritual existence as individual souls. Thus, our origin is less important than our present state. What matters are our feelings, perceptions, actions, strengths, and dreams. Today we may identify as Greeks, tomorrow as Germans, and the next day as Argentines. What truly matters is the spirit and vitality each individual brings to their nationality, not just the nationality itself. Consequently, we should not tolerate individuals who lack good intentions towards us, those who do not offer a new and positive lifestyle superior to our current one, or those whose actions are not upright, merely because we have somewhat common origins or because we are all human. This is a broad perspective.

On the other hand, it is crucial to safeguard ourselves with reason and kindness from any shameless intruder seeking to diminish our achievements and creations forged through our arduous journey across thousands of lives. This prevents us from achieving the quantum leap in consciousness that the healthier segment of humanity has long envisioned and facilitated. By understanding, establishing, and respecting our own boundaries and those of others, we contribute positively to the game of evolution. Evolution is destined to occur, by its own rules and always punctually.

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