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What is Cosmic Energy Healing and how does it differ from other healing methods?
Cosmic Energy Healing is a groundbreaking method distinct from all other holistic and energy therapies. It has a scientific foundation and requires the integration of psychology, holistic medicine, and the application of quantum electromagnetic frequencies. Mastery of this technique demands extensive studies and hands-on practice. Those of us who are teachers of the method, like me, recognise that the unique blend of cognitive information and electronic frequencies sets it apart in the realm of complementary medicine.
What are the fundamental principles of Cosmic Energy Healing? / How does Cosmic Energy Healing work?
The method is based on the notion that a person consists of their physical body and an invisible electromagnetic field. This field is their personal bio-computer, containing all the information of their existence. Consequently, when an issue arises in a person’s existence, to truly resolve it, you must first clear the short-circuit in their energy field. Once this is achieved, the initial cause ceases to exist, and any symptoms that manifested will disappear almost immediately. Cosmic Energy Healing focuses on eliminating the root cause, leading to the natural resolution of the symptoms.
How can Cosmic Energy Healing address emotional and spiritual imbalances?
The soul and spirit are concepts and states that do not reside in the physical realm of humans. I imagine you agree with this. Consequently, Cosmic Energy Healing is the most suitable method for healing complications in these areas, as it is the only approach that can “visit” the invisible, timeless, psychic world and heal traumas at their initial appearance.
What types of conditions and ailments can Cosmic Energy Healing help with?
As a holistic energy system, Cosmic Energy Healing has virtually no restrictions. It is like an open fan with dozens of applications, beneficial for anything that concerns a person. This includes physical, mental, and emotional health, as well as achieving dreams and goals. In the realms of body, soul, relationships, and self-improvement, I have often witnessed remarkable successes over many years of experience.
Are There Conditions Cosmic Energy Healing Cannot Address?
If someone has a dental problem, they should see a dentist. If surgery is required, they need to consult their surgeon. In cases of heart attack, immediate hospital care is necessary. These examples show that while Cosmic Energy Healing is suitable for many issues, it cannot replace medical intervention for technical body malfunctions or acute health emergencies. For diagnosed schizophrenia, this method is also not recommended.
Can Cosmic Energy Healing Help with Chronic Pain?
Chronic pain often arises from a combination of psychological factors and physical inflammation. Cosmic Energy Healing has the knowledge and techniques to address both problems effectively. Therefore, yes, this method is highly effective in managing chronic pain.
Is Cosmic Energy Healing Effective for Stress and Anxiety?
Cosmic Energy Healing is remarkably effective for stress and anxiety. The electromagnetic frequencies penetrate the subconscious, clearing old limiting beliefs and traumas. They also aid in forming new brain synapses, freeing individuals from sadness, fears, insecurities, and anxious behaviours. This was the primary reason I began my studies. Today, I can barely remember feeling afraid or anxious about life’s challenges.
How Does Cosmic Energy Healing Relate to Consciousness Elevation?
Cosmic Energy Healing is the most suitable method for consciousness development and self-awareness. Conscious expansion is what essentially causes any healing at every level—soul, spirit, and body. This expansion eliminates previous karma, increases the vibration of the electromagnetic field, and leads to spiritual liberation.
Cosmic Energy Healing is the most suitable method for consciousness development and self-awareness. This process of conscious expansion is what drives healing at every level—body, soul, and spirit. It eliminates previous karma, raises the vibration of the electromagnetic field, and leads to spiritual liberation.
Can Cosmic Energy Healing Be Combined with Other Therapies?
It is not advisable to visit a Cosmic Energy Healing therapist while participating in another energy healing method. It is best to complete or discontinue the other method before starting Cosmic Energy Healing to prevent energy oversaturation and potential adverse effects. However, combining Cosmic Energy Healing with psychotherapy or medical treatment can be beneficial, as it may significantly shorten the time needed to resolve issues. Additionally, it can work synergistically with other therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractic care, physiotherapy, and herbal therapy. However, it is important to discontinue homeopathy before starting Cosmic Energy Healing, as these forces oppose each other.
How to Become a Professional in Cosmic Energy Healing
The method of Cosmic Energy Healing is scientific and rigorous. To become a professional in this field, one must diligently follow a structured course of study.
The basic course in our online academy consists of three levels. Throughout this program, we focus on the method of Cosmic Energy Healing, which involves understanding the human electromagnetic system and the use of frequencies. We also offer supplementary courses in psychology, physiology, and anatomy. This foundational knowledge is essential for anyone working with human nature and the human soul.
To enrol, students should have completed twelve years of schooling and should be prepared to engage deeply in the spiritual studies of this intangible technology represented by Cosmic Energy Healing. These studies are particularly beneficial for existing health professionals, as they will not only enhance their theoretical knowledge but also improve their practical skills through the application of electromagnetic frequencies, making them more effective healers.
How Do Professionals Assess the Energy Fields of Their Clients?
Every well-trained professional should be proficient in using the diagnostic rod. This small mechanical tool allows the healer to measure the strength and quality of the energy in each chakra as well as the auric field. However, successful use of the rod requires extensive knowledge and practice, which is why only very experienced healers should handle it. One of the most challenging courses I teach is focused on the diagnostic aspect of using the rod.
Be cautious of those who claim they can read your aura. Just as the human ear cannot detect ultrasonic or infrasonic sounds, the eye is incapable of seeing the electromagnetic energy emitted by our energy systems. Therefore, tools such as the mechanical rod or Kirlian photography are employed for this purpose.
How Long Does a Typical Cosmic Energy Healing Session Last?
A typical session lasts at least 1:30 to 1:50 hours. Anything less indicates ignorance or poor method application, and I recommend being cautious. Almost daily, I receive information that some healers spend very little time, revealing a superficial and incomplete therapeutic approach.
Are Any Preparations or Follow-Up Steps Recommended for Clients?
One of the reasons this method is amazing for the client is that no preparation or physical or other effort is needed.
How Does a Professional Determine Which Areas Need Healing?
If it concerns an emotional state, the healer can read through the chakras and aura with the diagnostic rod to identify any psycho-emotional entanglement.
When it comes to physical health issues, medical examinations accurately identify the problems and highlight areas that require attention. The effectiveness of a healer relies on their training, which should encompass not only their area of expertise but also an understanding of their limitations. This is our primary focus at the Academy of Cosmic Energy Healing.
What Are the Benefits of Distance Healing Compared to In-Person Sessions?
You can be in your own space without needing to travel, saving time and money. However, perhaps the best part is that after the session, you feel very relaxed, having reached a very calm internal state, and you won’t need to travel through the noise of the world and the city to get home. No one will interrupt this beautiful nirvana you might feel. In recent years, my online clients have increased, and my experience tells me they are just as satisfied with the results as those who attend in-person sessions.
What Techniques Do Professionals Use to Connect with Clients Remotely?
There is no special technique for distance sessions. The method is quantum and works with electromagnetic fields. The practice of Cosmic Energy Healing in in-person sessions is precisely the same as that used in remote sessions.
Are the Results of Distance Healing Sessions as Effective as In-Person Sessions?
Neutrons, photons, protons, and electrons do not know distances, walls, mountains, seas, space, or time. Therefore, whether someone is 2 meters away from the healer or several thousand kilometres away, the result of the session is exactly the same. Just as there is no obstacle or delay when you talk to a friend in another country via video call on your mobile phone, during a session, the healing frequencies are sent to you from me in real-time.
How Can One Maintain Their Energetic Balance Between Distance Healing Sessions?
You don’t need to do anything yourself. The frequencies remain active and continue to work on the client even after the session ends. Whether the session is in-person or remote, it is the same. Usually, the healing frequencies of Cosmic Energy Healing used in relation to the client’s request or need remain active for 4 to 6 days, which is why I generally recommend sessions to be held once a week.
Are There Recommendations for Clients After a Session to Maintain the Benefits of Cosmic Energy Healing?
Since the primary effect of the frequencies is mainly conscious, I recommend my clients avoid alcohol, late nights, or uncontrolled and unhealthy eating, such as sugar and processed carbohydrates, for the next two to three days.
How Actively Do Clients Participate During a Cosmic Energy Healing Session?
What I always say is that the magic of the process is that clients don’t need to do anything. Apart from the phase where the client talks about themselves to embark on the journey of self-awareness, in the second part, during the application of the frequencies, they simply relax with closed eyes in a comfortable chair or standing if they prefer, listening to calming music while the healer applies the appropriate frequencies.
How do a client's mindset and intention affect the success of a cosmic energy healing session?
Everything is interconnected through thoughts, emotions, and actions. “Tell me what you did yesterday, and I’ll tell you what will happen to you today.” If someone holds deeply negative thoughts, it won’t prevent the frequencies from doing their work, but that person will likely require more sessions compared to someone with a more positive outlook. I always emphasize that Cosmic Energy Healing acts as the vehicle, while intention serves as the fuel.
How do clients typically feel during and after a cosmic energy healing session, and what should they observe?
There is nothing specific that clients need to observe; everything unfolds naturally during the sessions. Each person’s experience can vary significantly. Many clients report feeling warmth, while others sense light tingling in their hands or feet. Some experience visual phenomena, such as lights or colors, while others feel movement within their organs. Some might recall specific moments from their lives and process them, whereas others feel a sense of inspiration that leads them to make decisions. I have heard countless unique experiences, making it impossible to recount them all. Each case is distinct, and there is no special significance in detailing these experiences, as sessions are fundamentally experiential.
Can Cosmic Energy Healing Be Used Alongside Conventional Treatments for Chronic Conditions?
Receiving Cosmic Energy Healing sessions can be a blessing for individuals with chronic conditions or autoimmune diseases, especially when combined with their medical treatment. The results can often seem miraculous. However, it’s important to be patient and to diligently follow the prescribed therapeutic program.
What Are the Differences Between Cosmic Energy Healing and Traditional Medical Approaches?
There are two key differences between the two approaches. Traditional medicine focuses on suppressing or eliminating symptoms through the use of drugs and medical procedures. In contrast, Cosmic Energy Healing targets the root cause of issues without using drugs or herbs. Instead, it relies on intangible technology, as the healing frequencies involved are electromagnetic.
Are There Possible Conflicts Between Cosmic Energy Healing and Certain Medications or Medical Procedures?
To our knowledge, there are none. Both methods can work wonderfully together and significantly contribute to the primary desired outcomes of health and happiness.
What Unique Benefits Does Cosmic Energy Healing Provide Compared to Other Holistic Methods?
The method is truly remarkable, and I would confidently describe it as the queen of all energy therapies and alternative methods.
What sets this approach apart is its ability to work simultaneously on both the invisible spiritual and psychic dimensions, as well as the physical body. It seeks out any entanglements or disruptions in energy in order to restore balance. This process fully reinstates both the energetic and physical flow, leading to healing.
On the energetic level, the electromagnetic frequencies involved are not bound by limitations of time or space. They can scan the biofield, identify the root cause of any psychic or spiritual entanglement, and effectively neutralize the negative forces that may be affecting a person’s reality. This interrupts negative thought patterns, fears, procrastination, low self-esteem, and self-sabotage.
On the physical level, something even more extraordinary happens. These electromagnetic frequencies use the blood and other fluids in the human body to reach every organ and the most distant areas of the physical form. Magnetism, which travels alongside electricity, disseminates new, pure information throughout the body, including the skeleton, nerves, muscles, and organs. As a result, the entire physical system is bathed in this energy, transforming any conditions that may have developed on multiple levels, whether or not the individual is aware of them.
Thus, this method serves not only as a therapeutic approach but also as a preventive measure. When complete healing occurs in an organ, for instance, the changes are profound and cellular; the underlying cause does not return.
I teach the mechanics of Cosmic Energy Healing extensively at our Online Academy.