
The energy centres of our body


The energy centres of our body


The energy centres of our body

Energy Centres

The source of energy flow, the word chakra means ‘wheel’ in Sanskrit.

According to the prevailing view, the chakra system consists of 7 invisible energy centres that are mentally located along the spine, through which the vital energy ‘prana’ flows, influencing the physical, mental and spiritual level of our existence.

Muladhara: Mula = root / Adhara = base pr support

Base ( Root) Chakra

The Base Chakra, or Muladhara, unlike the other chakras, looks downward, drawing energy from the earth and conveying universal energy. It connects us with the earth, the natural world, and all living beings. It represents our fundamental needs such as home, work, money, and food and is also the source of our fears, guilt, and worries.

Key Points

Color: Red, symbolising blood, passion, and life force.

Element: Earth, as we are part of a vast network of life and energy, connected by the exchange of energy and information.

Evolution: Develops from the embryonic stage, linked to our first relationship with our mother.

Physical Connections: Bones, teeth, nails, feet, large intestine, rectum, prostate, adrenal glands, blood, cell proliferation, adrenaline, noradrenaline.

Harmonious Functioning

When balanced, the Base Chakra offers stability, courage, strength, and the ability to remain focused on the present moment. It ensures a sense of balance, determination, and responsibility.

Imbalance Symptoms

An unbalanced Base Chakra can result in obesity, constipation, hemorrhoids, prostate issues, sciatica, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and various fears and phobias. It may also lead to economic uncertainty and an excessive desire for material possessions and social power.

Strengthening Tips

  • Aromatherapy: Cedar, Pine, Marjoram, Cloves, Poplar.
  • Crystals: Ruby, Garnet, Hematite, Red Jasper, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline and more.
Svadisthana = sweetness

The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra governs our sense of balance and movement, offering grace and flow to our activities. Known as Tan Tien in Chinese and Hara in Japanese, it directs life-force energy (Prana/Chi) throughout the body, maintaining health and strength.

Key Points

  • Position: The Sacrum (area above the pubic bone and under the navel)
  • Color: Orange
  • Element: Associated with water, symbolizing flow, movement, and flexibility.
  • Physical Connections: Bodily fluids (blood, lymph, urine, semen, digestive fluids), Genitals, Kidneys, Bladder.
  • Functions: Governs sexuality, childbirth, and creativity. It’s the center of physical pleasures and imagination.
  • Relationships: Central to secondary relationships like those with fathers, teachers, and lovers. Harmonizes male and female energy.

Harmonious Functioning

When balanced, it brings self-confidence, creativity, and constructive imagination. It supports family happiness and healthy relationships.

Imbalance Symptoms

An imbalanced Sacral Chakra can cause emotional instability, hypersensitivity, manipulation tendencies, fear of emotions and sex, irrational guilt, frigidity, erection problems, addiction issues, and lack of flexibility.

Strengthening Tips

  • Aromatherapy: Sandalwood, Ylang-ylang, Cinnamon.
  • Crystals: Carnelian, Calcite Orange, Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Fire Opal and more.
Manipura = Gemstone or Stone City

Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra is located in the stomach area and its basic function is focused on “digestion” (not only of food), but also of the acceptance or rejection that we have of ideas, people and feelings.

It symbolizes the Sun and its qualities (i.e. cheerfulness, joy of life, power, the exercising of power). It is the epicentre of our ego and the need to define ourselves as individuals.

Key Points

  • Color: Yellow
  • Element: Fire
  • Physical Connections: Waist area of the back, Abdominal area. Gastrointestinal area, Digestive system, Stomach, Spleen, Gall bladder, Pancreas (insulin), Liver. 
  • Active During Adolescence: Formation of personal truths and abilities.

Harmonious Functioning

A harmonious Solar Plexus Chakra radiates power, confidence, and clarity. It fuels our inner strength, enabling decisive action and a positive outlook. This balance enhances our well-being, providing the energy and determination to face challenges and achieve our goals with passion and resilience.

Imbalance Symptoms

Imbalance in the Solar Plexus Chakra can manifest in various ways. Physically, it may lead to gastrointestinal diseases, liver disorders, diabetes, and changes in appetite. Emotionally, it can result in anger, insecurity, fear, manipulation tendencies, workaholism, anxiety, and psychological illnesses.

Strengthening Tips

  • Aromatherapy: Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Bergamot, Thyme, Ylang-Ylang.
  • Crystals: Citrine, Amber, Tiger’s Eye, Pyrite, Golden Topaz, Golden Tourmaline and more.
  • Mindset: Embrace joy, self-acceptance, and self-awareness.
Anahata = unstruck sound

Heart Chakra

Anahata, the Heart Chakra, means a sound produced without being struck— an eternal overall note not made by human hand. This divine connection links us to the highest levels of consciousness. Through this centre, we connect with Divine Love and the Universal Energy that unites all. Unlike the first three chakras tied to Karma, the Heart Chakra transcends karmic influences, allowing us to rise above them and experience Eternal Life. Positioned centrally in the chakra system, the Heart Chakra bridges lower emotional centres with higher intellectual and spiritual ones, promoting cleansing and healing. Its goal is harmony and union through pure, unconditional love.

Key Points

  • Position: Between fourth and fifth thoracic vertebra.
  • Color: Green/Pink 
  • Element: Air
  • Physical Connections: Back, Chest, Heart, Lungs, Circulatory System, Hands, Skin, Thymus Gland.
  • Functions: Connects emotions with intellectual and spiritual centres, aims for harmony through love.

Harmonious Functioning

When the Heart Chakra is balanced, it fosters self-acceptance, allowing individuals to embrace their true selves with all their strengths and weaknesses. This acceptance extends to others, promoting empathy and compassion in relationships. A balanced Heart Chakra also grants the freedom to pursue one’s path with confidence, free from fear of judgment or rejection. This leads to emotional stability, inner peace, and the ability to form meaningful connections, creating a life filled with love, kindness, and fulfillment.

Imbalance Symptoms

Imbalance and dysfunction of the Heart Chakra can lead to various physical and emotional issues. Physically, it may cause cardiac and pulmonary diseases, bronchial and cardiac asthma, high and low blood pressure, and dystonia. Emotionally, it can result in possessiveness, loving only under one’s terms, fear of rejection, feelings of unworthiness, over-dramatic behavior, self-pity, inability to give and receive love, difficulty trusting others, and a negative perception of reality. Additionally, it makes one susceptible to depression.

Strengthening Tips

  • Aromatherapy: Rosemary, Geranium, Jasmine.
  • Crystals: Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite,  Malachite, Pink Tourmaline, Chrysoprase and more.
  • Mindset: Embrace love, self-acceptance, acceptance of others.
Vishuddha = To Purify

Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is the centre of speech, communication, creativity, and sociability. It links lower chakras to the Crown Chakra and bridges thoughts with senses and impulses with reactions, expressing everything within us, from laughter to tears and all emotions in between. Beyond communication, it transmits information across all levels of BEING. The power of vibration and sound, central to Creation in Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism, is synonymous with the divine, the Highest Source.

Key Points

  • Position: Base of the throat
  • Color: Blue, Green/Blue
  • Element: Ether (akasha).
  • Physical Connections: Throat, Cervix, Oesophagus, Bronchi, Vocal Cords, Jaw, Shoulders, Metabolism, Thyroid Gland.
  • Functions: Centre of speech, verbal expression, communication, creativity, and sociability.

Harmonious Functioning

When the Throat Chakra is balanced, it results in excellent communication skills, spiritual clarity, and the ability to listen effectively. Expressing your true self through the Throat Chakra helps maintain a harmonious flow of energy.

Imbalance Symptoms

An imbalanced Throat Chakra can lead to issues such as thyroid disease, speech disorders, metabolism problems, shoulder tension, and difficulties in communication.

Strengthening Tips

  • Aromatherapy: Sage, Eucalyptus, Chamomile, Sandalwood. 
  • Crystals: Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Topaz, Amazonite and more.
  • Mindset: Singing, chanting mantras, playing musical instruments.
Ajna = I see or understand

Third Eye Chakra

The sixth chakra is a special energy node where three major energy channels (Nadis) meet: Sushumna, Ida, and Pingala. Its activation brings incredible spiritual gifts, functioning as a Third Eye, which is the seat of mental powers, memory, and inner wisdom. It sees and communicates with invisible worlds, shaping realities. Most of our thoughts are controlled by unresolved emotional patterns and are programmed by our opinions and prejudices and that of others. Our mind is therefore often not the master, but the servant of emotionally charged thoughts.

Key Points

  • Position: Between and slightly above the eyebrows.
  • Colour: Indigo
  • Functions: Enables us to “see” with the mind’s eye. Uses light to convey messages through visual symbols and images. 
  • Combined with Heart Chakra: Emits healing energy over distances.

Harmonious Functioning

Clear intuition, insight, focused mind, spiritual awareness. By nurturing the Third Eye Chakra, we open ourselves to higher consciousness and inner wisdom.

Imbalance Symptoms

  • Physical: Headaches, vision problems, sleep disorders
  • Emotional: Confusion, indecisiveness, lack of focus, paranoia, hallucinations

Strengthening Tips

  • Aromatherapy: Mint, Jasmine, Basil, Vetiver, Patchouli, Rosemary.
  • Crystals: Azurite, Sodalite, Amethyst, Iolite, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire, Moonstone, Kyanite, and more.
Sahasrara = The Thousand-Petal Lotus

Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra, symbolizing the pinnacle of human perfection, is often depicted hovering overhead. It channels pure energy from the Universe, shining with all colours but dominantly violet. It is the source of all other chakras’ actions and connects us to our primordial Divine Principle of which we are all part. This chakra is the place where we feel ‘at home’. This is where we first started our journey in life and to this place we will return at the end of our development. 

The Crown Chakra liberates the mind, breaks the boundaries of three-dimensional existence, and allows conscious communication with higher worlds and dimensions.

Key Points

  • Position: Overhead
  • Color: Violet, white, gold
  • Source and Starting Point: Connects to the level of being with unexpressed forms and characteristics.
  • Awareness: Reaches beyond the Third Eye Chakra, experiencing unity with Divine Consciousness.
  • Energy Flow: According to Hindu views, energy from Ida and Pingala nadis joins Sushumna in the Third Eye Chakra and flows to the Crown Chakra, Shiva’s residence
  • Union of Opposites: Shiva (consciousness) and Shakti (form) unite, leading to liberation from the cycle of reincarnation

Harmonious Functioning

Complete emotional control, deep connections, free mind, intuition, stronger mental abilities, clear decision-making, spiritual connection.

Imbalance Symptoms

Headaches, migraines, psychological disorders, nervous system issues, alienation, depression, confusion, manic disorders.

Strengthening Tips

  • Aromatherapy: Lotus Flower, Incense, Myrrh, Rosemary.
  • Crystals: Amethyst, Charoite, Azurite, Selenite, Sodalite, Iolite, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire, and more.

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