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a revolutionary system in the service of humanity
Cosmic Energy Healing is a modern scientific method that combines uniquely energy therapy, holistic medicine, and psychology. It is a comprehensive scientific system developed through extensive research by a team of Russian scientists, led by academic Vladimir Alexandrovich Petrov, at the Space Research Centre during the Soviet era.
This method bridges the present and future, as it belongs to the realm of intangible technologies. The truth about human existence is that each one of us is made up of two components that are inextricably linked together: the physical body and the electromagnetic energy information field, which runs vertically and peripherally around our material body. This field determines the state of our physical and spiritual health, much like programs do for a computer.
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Cosmic Energy Healing aims to align the information of electromagnetic energy within the physical body and mind to restore spiritual, mental, and physical health. Using specific natural electromagnetic, energy information and quantum frequencies (which are not bound by space and time), it balances the body’s energy centres and channels, cleansing and strengthening the human electromagnetic field. Cosmic Energy Healing is considered one of the most powerful holistic systems that addresses all spiritual and psychological causes of mental and physical illnesses, ensuring health, beauty, happiness, and overall well-being.
Progressor Mary Markou has been working as an energy therapist since 2005. In 2009, she was awarded her master’s degree in Cosmic Energy Healing and has been teaching this method as a Tutor since 2010. During her long career, she has worked with thousands of people, in order to help them overcome the problems troubling them. This love, dedication, and confidence in the effectiveness of the method was validated with her recognition as an energy therapist and tutor from the British Complementary Medicine Association (BCMA), after which she became the association’s full member.
The issue that led me to this method was my thyroid condition and my desire to avoid taking pills. I hadn't explored this matter in depth until my mother, who had seen videos about it on Facebook and YouTube, introduced me to Mary. I am quite satisfied with the therapies, as I have noticed positive changes in my life. I would recommend her, and I have already done so without hesitation. I believe that the therapies offered through Cosmic Energy Healing are a powerful means of achieving peace for everyone. 🙏
Personal Development
You Can Have it All!
Creative Visualization
Your mind has the power to shape your reality and achieve your dreams. All you need to do is learn how to direct it. This is the ultimate book to personal growth and goal-setting in all aspects of life. Become your own ally and create a life filled with health, wealth, beautiful relationships, and success!

It’s a wonderful book to start the new year! The reader will receive a wealth of knowledge, keys that unlock subconscious barriers, and high vibrations as gifts. I am grateful!
Detox with
Spit It Out!
Alkaline Nutrition
A tale of Global Hysteria!
Obesity and over 50 common diseases are linked to modern eating habits. Learn how to transform your diet into a tool for prevention and healing by alkalizing your blood pH, explained in simple terms. The book includes 80 unique and delicious recipes, inspired by Chef Nikos Papaioannou, to make your life easier. This book is featured in the research library, the Bodleian Library at Oxford recognized for its significant contribution to nutrition and well-being.

Honestly, I bought the book because it said it had been selected by Oxford's Bodleian Library. However, when I started reading it, it was like waking up from the nutritional nightmare I was living in. I realized that we ourselves destroy a large part of our health by eating junk food. For the next three months, the book and I became one. I started using the new way of thinking and its detailed recipes and started eating exactly as described, alkaline. I lost weight effortlessly, gained energy and clarity, and my acne significantly subsided. This book should be taught in schools. A big thank you!
New book Coming Soon!
Cosmic Energy Healing
Space Medicine
The book Cosmic Energy Healing: Space Medicine was born from my desire to connect deeply and meaningfully with people about the truths and mysteries of the invisible world and the boundless possibilities of Intangible Technology. By harnessing the electromagnetic frequencies generously provided by nature without relying on machines, chemicals, or any material technology, we can take control of our lives and leave our mark on every level:
Mental, physical, and spiritual.
Join me on this journey into the future!

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Mary Markou offers expert business mentoring to individuals and companies on ethical practices, spiritual well-being, and psychological strategies for sustainable success and personal fulfillment. As a skilled mentor and energy healer, she excels in boosting morale, promoting creativity, fostering teamwork, and aligning employees with corporate goals. Her unique system blends Personal Development, Counselling, and Energy Therapy into an innovative and comprehensive approach.
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Visit our FAQ page where Mary has personally answered common queries Think of it as your go-to library for understanding the power of Cosmic Energy Healing. Need more help? Our support team is here for you.

Majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable.
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